Well, as it turns out, I'm willing to have a section for "links", which will be anyone who might be interested in such an exchange program, (or not), I might want to post a few links on my site that I think are worthwhile. Anyone who cares to take a banner or link to me, I'd greatly appreciate it, let me know and I will do my best to reciprocate.

Standard banner sizes are "468 x 60", but, I've also made some perfectly square ones "100 x 100" so you have plenty of choices as to which one you might want to deal with, or... which of both sizes. I'm in the midst of exploring other banner sizes, perhaps some not so cumbersome and smaller convenient sizes for easy placement with minimal mess or distraction. Don't forget about plain text links, too. Also be sure to link to me at: www.hermanisnotdead.com

I'm not looking for profits by linking anyone to me, I won't link to "big businesses" or any major site that makes a profit for every "hit", this is only for a friendly exchange of traffic and in hopes of everyone's site generating more interested visitors. There's also the chance to run a banner at the bottom of my "main page" that could remain for as long as a month until the next update where another banner may be rotated into that spot.

Email me, talk to me, let me know if you're interested, and we'll move along and see where our friendship goes. In the meantime, check out what's available down below, or find out more about them.





Check out the "it's a wonderful life" section and you'll find this character in there plus a whole lot more on what I like to call a "gothic love story". If I could work further on this little puppy and wound up getting it published, boy... I sure would be one happy camper.



If you've come back enough times to the site, you might have realized that the main page currently has 4 random images in it. Come back again and again just to visit and see what's new, or... go ahead and cheat by hitting your "reload" button.



"it's voodoo-licious ! ", well... at least one way I'd like to think of this site, (although not scary enough). Look into the "dark stuff" section and find this skeleton in a boiling pot as an intro to one of the (duh), "darker" or more twisted sections on the site.



Another one of the 4 random images right now on the main page, (psssst... also a possible tattoo in the near future, maybe), check out this heart with wings...



You're favorite frog and mine, (also part of a wooden clock), the helpless frog stuck in the tea-cup, (or living in it), look close enough on the main page and you'll be sure to see him *blink*...



Be sure to have flash enabled and catch this "exciting...?" little flash animation movie at the entrance to this site. More movies to come, (I hope).



Just another doodle you can find in the "self-portraits" section, (hey, the site is about me and my work).



Carpe Vaginam... ? uhmmmm... well, uhmmmm... my tribute to where all life begins... ? (ah... who am I kidding).



My sad alligator, an image on the intro to the "battered & bruised, beat up & broken" journal section, also... a possibility at either a paper mache sculpture or a stuffed" aminal"... (yes, purposely spelled wrong)...



For those craving the music section and darker side of life, here's the actual "broken" cassette tape to "songs to kill yourself to", vol. III. Somehow, my car deck decided to eat it up, leaving it a mangled corpse of a cassette case with it's intestines wrapped around it... (I should of taken this as a sign for things to come)...



Don't have flash... ? Didn't catch the little animation movie at the beginning to this site... ? Well, three things listed here on the tombstones during the movie, also the inspiration for the site's "goal", which is "on an eternal quest for truth, love and hope"... ah... so endearing...



Just another quick self portrait, perhaps in preparation for yet another flash movie. I'm telling you, be sure to come back every month in hopes of seeing new flash movies added to the intro... (so I hope)...

© 2003 g.hernandez