my brother nags and nags me about making some cool mix for him, (or...
was it that maybe I did it voluntarily...?)...
So, this was around the time "after" the movie "The
Perfect Storm" had come out, and sort of prior to them showing
it on cable and whatnot, but... my brother happens to be the big "provider"
type, "hunter/fisherman/handyman/etc. etc. etc."... so...
I thought it'd be cool to make him a mix of some slightly "harder"
stuff than what I made for my nephews, something that, I was also
going to have a copy of, so... I was going to have to like it as well...
Uhmmmm... for the most part, as I had done with the previous cd, I
wanted to make the title of it the same as one of the songs listed
on the cd, and... either because the "wording" pertained
or not, I chose "swallowed" by bush.
Overall, I think it turned out to be pretty cool, he was happy to
get it, and... yeah, it was a pretty rockin' mix of songs... hey,
I was happy with it, and... isn't that what's most important... ?
Well, I'm glad all these projects worked out as well as they did,
I'm looking to "possibly" make a few more, but... have to
see what my schedule is and whatnot, being that I have so many other
things in mind that I'm looking to do.
bleh... |