3 years of being online, it pains me to announce that the herman
is not dead.com site will no longer produce any monthly updates.
That is of course... not "entirely" true, the More
than one way to skin a chicken and Battered
& Bruised, Beat Up & Broken will continue updating on
whichever basis they were already operating, but what's going to
end is a lot of senseless rambling going on in this section as well
as some of the quick notes posted on the main page. It just seems
no one seems to pay attention to them and lately they have been
more trouble than what they're worth.
My true aim is to have more free time to produce more art I can
showcase throughout this site as well as go back to making some
fun animated flash movies and even the possibility of re-vamping
the site to keep it fresh and new and avoid it going completely
How many of you skip the intro flash movie and either bookmarked
or go straight to the main page... ? See. I wish I had something
new there for people to look out for, something to keep them on
their toes and WANT to come back hoping to find more surprises.
As for surprises, there may be some new images here and there replacing
a few old ones, such as the one you see here to the left, but also
to the 4 images on the top left of the main page that have been
rotating back and forth on the reload everytime you check out the
site. I just REALLY want to renew, clean things up, organize and
have new stuff.