
The first tshirt design that made it all happen... "misunderstood". I think the idea just came from a basic doodle I had done of smiley faces, (and no, that's not a "black eye", it's a "freakish-out of my mind" type of eye)... since there was that confusion of exactly what it was supposed to be, hence "misunderstood".

The first version of this design was much more crudely drawn, however, it was my first silkscreen tshirt project and must've printed about 35 or so of them that I sold for a whopping $5 each. I don't think I have to tell you, I didn't make any money on that print, and granted that I was taking orders for it from some friends, I then suddenly stopped altogether and just moved onto the next project.

For the 2nd version, I only printed one, and... it was for myself...

© 2002 g.hernandez